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Borderwalk 3

On the 27th of march 2024 took place the last borderwalk in Kehl at the border between France and Germany. The event has started with an introduction made by Michael Frey who explained the publicity in Germany where the languages used do not matter contrary to France where the french language must generally be used.

He kept on with the exemple of the oyster market with a free movement of person from each side of the border which is a major achievement of the european union. The free movements create an economic effect. The publicity in french in Kehl is normally illegal but the majority of the customer (mostly for tobacco because it’s cheaper) in Kehl come from France, that’s why there is an exception.

In the city center of Kehl we crossed a statue that was a part of the bridge destroyed during the second world war. We can see a description of the event in both languages, for people of each side of the border to know.

The subject of the taxes was also pointed out. Taxes do not make unity in european union as they are not harmonized. This fact create cross border flows like during the christmas period with the « foie gras » forbidden in Germany but legal in France.

The circulation between France and Germany has always been good (except for period of war). More than four thousands of people are working on the other part of the Rhine.

The difference in police gears : we can see military guns from the german side and only guns on the french side. As well as a cross border protection cooperation.

There are also different environmental policies for example with gardens. In France garden are often closed with doors, there is no such a thing in Germany.

A part of the borderwalk was the reconciliation of the two countries from the german side and the liberation of the country from the french side. Symbol of the differents views of the population on the global conflict of the world war 2.

However some connection between the two population can be seen as the grave on the picture above which is a cross border project decided to make a pathway, a memorail of the resistance.

Back then, the tank gun was pointed in the direction of Germany but with time they changed the direction. We can see that the remaining of the war are still presents.

Michael Frey, as a final, decided to show us a picture of the older tram of Kehl. This tram was not a cross border tram putting forward the fact that the cross border cooperation is now at a totally different level among the european union.

After the borderwalk the students went to the Euro-Institut to assist to the presentation of the Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network made by Fabienne Schimek.

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